What can I do if I'm having troubles programming my MICKEY MOTE?

If you are having troubles programming your MICKEY MOTE, try the following tips:

When pressing the buttons on your remote control, press the buttons firmly and slowly, with a solid pause between each button press.

As all DVD player remote controls are different, a distance of 3 inches apart between the remotes may not be ideal. Try programming the MICKEY MOTE with both remotes nearly touching. If this does not work, gradually place the remotes further apart with each attempt.

If your remote still fails to program, you can always use your standard DVD remote control in place of the MICKEY MOTE. The UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT arrows on your remote control will correspond to the same buttons on the MICKEY MOTE. You can also Contact Us for more troubleshooting tips. When contacting us, please be sure to include the make and model of your DVD player.